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AKG Y50BT Bluetooth Headphone Review – Are They a Good Buy?

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AKG Y50BT Bluetooth Headphone Review

The problem that I had, is that I was using wired headphones when I was working out.

Wired headphones can be a bit annoying. Sometimes the cable can get in the way of your movements and the cable would get disconnected from my phone, so wireless headphones would be the way forward for me.

[lasso ref=”akg-bluetooth-headphone-black-y50btblk” id=”24696″ link_id=”719″]

I originally bought some cheap wrap-around Bluetooth headphones, which did the job, but the sound quality wasn’t as good as I liked.

What I wanted, was good sound quality and Bluetooth wireless capabilities, so I decided to go for the AKG Y50BT.

Watch my review of the AKG Y50BT Bluetooth Headphones and see how I got on with them.



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