Brazilian Waxing, All You Need To Know

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Brazilian Waxing

A Brazilian wax is a type of bikini wax where hair is removed from the pubic area except for one small area. A traditional Brazilian wax is where all hair is removed. Other definitions exist so once you’ve decided what you want, make sure you make it clear to the salon.

The Brazilian wax originated in Brazil where women first began wearing very revealing swimsuits such as thongs. And if that’s what you want to wear on the beach, you already have a good reason for getting this type of bikini wax. Another is avoiding the hassle and side effects of frequent shaving, such as razor-burn and itching. A Brazilian wax will give you a smooth appearance for four to six weeks whereas shaving usually needs to be repeated every few days for a similar result.

Basically, you’ll be naked from the waste down for 15 to 30 minutes in the company of someone you’ve just met. Reports of pain
levels vary. Some women say it’s not that bad while others claim its agony.

So I suppose it depends on your pain threshold. The pubic area is a very sensitive part of the body, so somewhere in between is probably about right. All women agree it’s not comfortable. The up side is that the pain diminishes with every treatment as hair re-growth is weakened.
waxing leg stripAnother disadvantage of Brazilian waxing is your skin may react badly to the hot wax. Beyond that, the cons are the same as those associated with other methods of pubic hair removal. For example, as hair grows back, itching and ingrown hairs are common problems. Where any kind bikini wax beats shaving is in the fact that these symptoms should fall with each treatment.



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