
Fit Females – 10 Fitness Mad Celebrities

pink fit female celebrities

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Many women work hard to keep their bodies fit and healthy while being in the public eye. For many, the work is somewhat easy since they are just maintaining their natural bodies. But what about the women who have gone through pregnancy? Would it not be more difficult to have to bounce back from the baby to what they used to have?

Here is a list of ten famous moms that are mad about fitness.

Fit Females – Celebrities who are mad about fitness


pink fit female celebrities

1. Pink. New mother to Willow Sage, Pink is one of the most fitness minded moms on the list. We have all heard about her crazy routines to get ready for the tours that she has had in the past, but what about after her daughter was born? Now it is a primarily vegan diet with her hard hitting cardio fitness routine.


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2. Michelle Obama. Coming in at number two is none other than the First Lady herself. Her passion for wellness does not just bring her those wonderful arms. It also has her planting her own vegetables in the garden of the White House. Michelle Obama also speaks about the importance of exercise in her Let’s Move! Campaign.


3. Jennifer Garner may have had a quieter lifestyle the past few years but she has a very active daughter that is surely keeping her busy at home. When she goes to the gym, she mixes her fitness regimen with circuit-training and SoulCycle classes.

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4. Gwyneth Paltrow certainly does not slow down. With two kids and a career that is soaring to new heights, her fitness routine is just as much work as anything else she does. She credits hard work and dedication to getting her body into shape. She works out five days a week at an hour and a half each day. That is more than many of us do in a day!

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5.  Sarah Jessica Parker is a mom of three. She works out to keep herself fit and healthy. She even walks instead of taking her car.

jennifer lopez

6. Jennifer Lopez has more than her amazing looks to keep her busy. She is a mom to a set of twins which undoubtedly keep her on her toes. Not only does she run after the kids to stay in shape, she also has a fitness routine to match. She does circuit training, the Tracy Anderson Method, and weight lifting.

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7. Cindy Crawford may have left the catwalk but, she looks just as good today as she did when she first stepped on. And other than incredibly awesome genes, she finds simple ways of adding fitness to her and her family’s day. This way, she can enjoy what is most precious to her.

Jennifer Hudson

8. Jennifer Hudson has been into Weight Watchers for years. She also is particular to her twenty-five minute circuits. This way she can get back to being a mom.

Madonna Workout

9. Madonna is another mom that seems to have an endless list of achievements. Not only is she one of the most well rounded on the list, she has her own fitness brand. She also has a new program that is called Addicted to Sweat!


kate hudson

10. Kate Hudson is the last on our list. Working out three days a week at Pilates, she dedicates her attention to her family. This way she can make sure that she is there for her little boy.




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