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How You Can Blow up your Forearms! – Grenadier Grips

grenadier grips grenade grips how to get bigger forearms

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Grenadier Grips are these rubber bar grips that you slot onto your dumbells or barbells. The idea is that holding the weight with these grips creates more of a challenge for the hand and forearms. The Grenadier Grips make the handle of the weight thicker, more awkward and more challenging to hold which will, in turn, give your forearms more of a workout building thicker forearms and a much stronger grip. A worthwhile addition to any gym bag.

grenadier grips grenade-grips-2

Grenadiergrips.com | Amazon

Why would I want a stronger grip?

Well, amongst other things a stronger grip can improve the amount of weight you’re able to work with in the gym. Consider the deadlift, for example, many times when you go heavy the first place you feel the strain in is your hands and forearms meaning you have to put the weight down. With a stronger grip, you’ll be able to go for longer and hold much more weight. The same can be said for pretty much any exercise you do involving barbells, dumbells as well as pull ups. It’s a win win. Yes, you could go down the route of using straps but straps don’t encourage your forearms to work harder like these will.

Grenadier Grips – Blow up your Forearms

The Grenadier Grips fit onto most dumbells and barbells pretty easily.Depending on the thickness of the handles you can use Grenade Grips on machines too. They simply slip on like a glove.

If you want forearms like Popeye the Sailor, try them out. The Grenadier grips come in your choice of green or pink.


Grenadiergrips.com | Amazon



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  1. Seriously, no kidding, I could feel my arms becoming like that of Popeye the sailor after a while of using the grenadier grip. The awkward grip makes you keep adjusting your palm to fit the barbells and this only helps to strengthen your forearms.

  2. This grenadier grip is a perfect workout item for me. I always slip it into my dumbell and I must say that I’ve noticed improvements in my forearms. Now I can hold some weights longer and it’s amazing.

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