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The Truth About Inner Thigh Gaps


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    inner thigh gaps the truth inner thigh gap truth


Looking at catwalk models, you realize that one requirement for being a model is height, usually found in their long legs. Along with long legs, these models also have larger hips, which allow their long narrow legs to naturally create an inner thigh gap.

This gap has become the most current longed for attribute for younger to middle-aged females. For teens and young adults, the desire for an inner thigh gap has become the latest body craze, but is a thigh gap something you can obtain through dieting and exercise regimes? Dr. Herold explains.

Some Healthy People Have Thigh Gaps…

Dr. Herold explains, “A thigh gap is a physical trait found in only a small percentage of healthy, well-nourished female body types.” The newspapers and magazines have created this idea that thigh gaps are what every woman should have. But the truth is that most do not have it and most may not be able to get it, meaning that a thigh gap is not a worthwhile goal one should pursue.

inner thigh gap inner thigh gaps the truth

Thigh Gap Is All About Genetics

Whether you have thigh gaps or don’t is all down to your genetics. If you genetically have the bone structure and body shape meaning your hip width and pelvic bones being at the right angle,  then you will have thigh gaps no problem.

“The width of your pelvis combined with the angle at which your thigh bones attach to your pelvis determines the distance between your thighs, regardless of how much muscle or fat you do or don’t have,”


Dr. Herold continues. “Some people with wide pelvises may have leg bones that are farther apart, while people with narrower pelvises may have leg bones set closer together, closing the gap. Obviously, this can’t be changed with diet and exercise.”

The second factor in determining space between thighs is your body type. Some people have a very difficult time gaining weight, whether from fat or muscle. Because of their low body mass, they are more likely to have a gap between their thighs. However, most women’s bodies tend toward accumulating either muscle or fat in the thigh area, which can cause a closure of any gap.

As Dr. Norman Rowe, a New York plastic surgeon explains, “The size of a person’s thighs is determined not just by fat, but by muscle. In the middle of our thighs are Sartorius and gracilis muscles, which help us walk and move our legs in and out.”


Trying to Create Inner Thigh Gaps Can Put You at Risk

“It is not a healthy achievement to have a gap,” Dr. Herold says, “if it means you must starve yourself to decrease fat, lose important muscle mass and force your body into a shape it wasn’t built for.” It might not even be possible for a person to get a thigh gap no matter how much they starve themselves or how much exercise they do.


Inner Thigh Gap Surgery?

Dr. Rowe comes across a lot of teenagers that want thigh gaps. He explains that plastic surgeons cannot remove the muscle or change the leg structure. “If someone does not have a genetic predisposition to a thigh gap, plastic surgeons cannot create one. If someone is genetically predisposed to having heavier muscles, there is no amount of suction that can change that.”


A Passing Trend

If you are feeling inadequate because you don’t have a thigh gap, Dr. Rowe encourages you to remember that thigh gaps are likely a passing trend. “Right now they are in, but two years from now, they might be out.

What is attractive and fashionable now may not be in five years,” he says. “Be happy with who you are.” Think about it this way: Pastel hair may be in right now, but do you think your favorite celebs will still have lavender and baby blue hair a few years from now?


You Are Beautiful Without a Thigh Gap

There are some beautiful, strong, healthy bodies that have a thigh gap and many beautiful, strong, healthy bodies that don’t. “The best goal,” Dr. Herold says, “is to be strong, fit and healthy for your body type.”



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