
4 Heroic Superfood Berries You Need To Know About

4 Heroic Superfood Berries You Need To Know About

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4 Heroic Superfood Berries You Need To Know About

When it comes to discussions about what foods are the most beneficial to the health of your body, you have probably heard the term “superfood” pop up in conversation more than a few times. While there are plenty of foods out there that provide you with the nutrients that your body needs, some experts believe that super foods are extra packed with vitamins and health boosting nutrients.


4 Heroic Superfood Berries You Need To Know About

Whether you order them online and have them delivered to your home, or you go out and pick/grow them yourselves, the following are four types of berries that are may be incredibly beneficial to the health of your body:

Superfood Berries


1. The Acai Berry

The Acai berry has recently become popular amongst health food fans. You’ve no doubt seen numerous Acai drinks pop up on the market in the last ten years. However, the Acai berry has been used for health benefits for hundreds of years. There’s a reason for this: Acai berries have an amazing amount of antioxidants in them. acai-berryIt is a fruit that is known for stimulating the immune system and boosting energy. The benefits are almost too many to list. Acai can help to fight viral and parasitic infections, help lower cholesterol in the blood stream, reduce the effects of fat in the diet, prevent blood clots, improve the circulation of the blood and even help slow the process of age by promoting the health of your skin.


2. The Blueberry

Blueberries are also very rich in antioxidants. They contain a number of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins C, vitamin K and even a little bit of vitamin B, which helps to provide additional energy. These vitamins are essential in promoting good health and fighting off disease.blueberry super food Blueberries also contain small amounts of manganese, which is a mineral that aids in the regulation of blood sugar, the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, the formation of bones and calcium absorption.




3. The Cranberry

Cranberries, like many of the other berries, are full of antioxidants. They also contain a ton of vitamin C, making this super food perfect for fighting off sickness. They have also been found to be helpful in preventing bacteria from attaching to the lining of the stomach and the urinary tract due to the proanthocyanidins contained in cranberries, which act as a barrier to bacteria. This also means that cranberries could possibly aid in the prevention of stomach ulcers, although no studies have confirmed this theory as of yet. cranberryIt has also been found that cranberries that have been exposed to more sunlight tend to have higher concentrations of anthocyanins, which is what gives cranberries their bright red coloring. Anthocyanins are antioxidants that provide anti-inflammatory benefits to the body.


4. The Goji Berry

Goji berries are absolutely stuffed with vitamins and other nutrients. In fact, they have more vitamin C than oranges and more vitamin A than carrots. They also contain more iron than steak or spinach. They are also a great source of carbohydrates, fiber and protein. Considering the large number of nutrients that Goji berries provide, you can be certain that they offer some amazing health benefits to the body. GojiberryThese berries help with digestive and cardiovascular health, muscle development, providing protection to the retinas as well as improving eyesight functions and more. Their dense antioxidant properties are thought to help boost the immune system, which some believe reduces the chance of heart disease and skin cancer.

With the number of nutrients that these berries contain, it is not surprising that they are called super foods. Adding any of these berries to your diet will help improve the health of your body tremendously, not to mention they could help turbo boost your immune system and protect against a number of harmful agents.




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