
How to Get a Bikini Body – Top 5 Tips

get that bikini body

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get that bikini body

Summer holidays are just around the corner, and looking good in an itsy-bitsy bikini is a basic human right for any girl – but how do you make sure you look bikini ready after a comfortable winter of over-indulgence?

While exercise and healthy eating will always get you far in any quest for that summer body, if you only have a few weeks to go until your holiday abroad here’s a few quick fixes that will make sure you stay body confident on the beach…

Top 5 Tips for Getting that Bikini Body

1. Complement those Curves with Shapewear
Create the illusion of a slimmer figure with nifty shapewear swimsuits. Plenty of retailers are increasingly recognising the demand for bikinis and swimsuits that not only provide a stylish look but flatter the figure too!

A bikini top with a halter neck will flatter larger busts while vintage inspired high-waist bikini briefs will easily disguise a shapely stomach. To draw attention away from curves stick to block colour bikinis and swimsuits.

2. Beat the Bloat get a bikini body listed fit
A bloated belly can crush any girl’s bikini body confidence. Caused by fizzy drinks or having too much salt in your diet, a bloated belly is not what you want when you are strutting by the pool.

To flush out a bloated belly, try to drink two litres of water per day – especially in the run up to your holiday. Drinking plenty water also has an unlimited number of other benefits too such as aiding weight loss and leaving your skin refreshed.


3. Buff and Polish your Skin to Perfection
Smooth and soft skin is the perfect base for that holiday tan. In the run up to your holiday, make sure you banish dry skin by exfoliating at least once a week with a dry body brush.

Moving the brush in circular motions up your legs and thighs will also help to minimise the appearance of bikini nightmare cellulite as an added bonus.


4. Drop those lbs.
Adopting a healthy diet before you go on holiday will help you shift a few pounds before you put on that elusive bikini. A diet that sees you reducing carbs while following a low calorie and low GI plan, will see you losing weight the healthy way.

There are a number of diets out there that include tasty meal replacement shakes and diet bars so your sweet tooth can remain satisfied while you drop those pounds.


get a bikini body listed fit5. Fake it till you make it
Any girl knows that a tan can make her look instantly slimmer, that’s why starting your holiday off with a spray tan will ensure you look slender on the beach.

Professional beauticians everywhere have recognised the slimming benefits of a spray tan and many beauticians even offer a service in which they sculpt the spray tan to highlight muscle definition – creating the illusion of a toned bod.




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