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What Are the Benefits of Burdock Root?

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Aside from being an excellent ingredient for delicious rich dishes, Burdock root is steadily gaining fame through its many health benefits. It contains powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and other nutritional elements.

To know more about this wonderful plant, keep reading below.

Table of Contents

What Exactly Is Burdock Root?

What we commonly refer to as “Burdock” is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, along with daisies, lettuces, and chicory. It’s a native and common weed in Northern Asia and Europe. Meanwhile, Japan and the United States cultivate it as a vegetable.

The USDA attests to the Burdock root nutritional advantages, such as the protein, carbohydrates, and minerals it offers. 

Because it looks similar to others in any field, it’s necessary to know how to differentiate Burdock plants from other weeds. It’s a critical step in gathering the plant (and root) to avoid mistakenly collecting items with different and potentially dangerous properties. 

Below are some of the physical features of the Burdock plant you can look out for to distinguish it from others:

  • It comes in dark green and violet-pink couples of thistles that stick to fur or clothing.
  • Its burrs or flowers usually bloom between June and October.
  • It grows up to 3 to 4 feet long.
  • It has dark green colored leaves that are ovate or heart-shaped and coarse.
  • Its stems are slender and hollow.
  • Its underside texture is wooly, with a whitish color.
  • Its color varies from beige, brown, or nearly black.

Aside from harvesting the actual plant, Burdock root can also be purchased in the form of tea, capsule, powder, and dried plant.

What Can Burdock Root Do for Me? What Are the Reported Benefits of Burdock Root?

Aside from its long list of health benefits, it’s also good for skin care and cuisine. 

Most people consume Burdock root in the form of tea. Burdock root tea is decaffeinated and easy to find in the market. You can take herbal Burdock tea two to three times daily to get its maximum benefits. 

Overall Health

Because Burdock root is accessible and presents similar rewards, more and more people prefer it as an alternative to expensive or elusive medications.  

The following are some of the health benefits of Burdock root:  

  • Helps fight against cancer
  • Improves liver health
  • Relieves body pain and aches
  • Offers anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial components
  • Cleanses or “purifies” the blood
  • Serves as a natural kidney diuretic
  • Remedies coughs and colds
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases


Not everyone can afford to visit dermatology clinics and dedicate funds for continuous skin tests and maintenance. Fortunately, Burdock root extract also improves skin and hair.

Individuals who want to try Burdock root to upgrade their skincare routine can take it in capsules or teas. Its effectiveness can be seen inside and out, giving healthy, younger, and glowing skin. 

The following are the skincare benefits of Burdock root:

  • Improves hair growth
  • Reduces wrinkles
  • Reduces pimples
  • Eliminates acne and eczema


Burdock root or gobo is typically used as an ingredient in Chinese and Japanese cuisine. It’s a starchy vegetable that’s sweet and crunchy, similar to lotus root. It also has a distinctive earthy taste perfect for meats that lure people into actively seeking it out. 

Burdock root is prepared and eaten the same way as other root vegetables. It’s best to pair it with rice, potatoes, and chicken and pork meats. It can also be bought as dried or powdered and sprinkled on savory dishes.

Here are some dishes that use Burdock root:

  • Bone-broth soup with vegetables
  • Kinpira Gobo or Braised Burdock Root
  • Red-Cooked Pork Belly WIth Burdock Root
  • Kinpira Renkon
  • Roasted Burdock Root
  • Braised Burdock Root
  • Buckwheat and Burdock Root Pilaf
  • Kitchari with Burdock and Squash

Are There Any Risks or Side Effects With Burdock Root?

Despite its many benefits, individuals who want to add Burdock root to their diet must still practice caution. Each person has varying health conditions and allergens. It’s critical to be responsible and know the potential risks of this plant.

Below are some of the dangers and side effects of Burdock root:

Allergic Reactions

If a person is sensitive to plants from the Asteraceae family, they should avoid both oral and topical consumption of Burdock root.

Provoked Bleeding Disorders

Individuals already diagnosed with bleeding disorders or problems with clotting may get aggravated symptoms if they eat Burdock root. Similarly, those taking blood-thinning medications or anticoagulants like aspirin should veer away from the plant.

Premature Labor

Consuming Burdock root is not advisable for pregnant and nursing women as it can affect the fetus. Any amount of this root can stimulate the uterus and encourage premature delivery. Similarly, you should only give Burdock root to children below 18 under the guidance and supervision of a health professional.

Accidental Poisoning

Harvesting Burdock plants in the wild is dangerous since it resembles toxic plants such as Belladonna and Nightshade. A person must know the Burdock plant’s physical attributes to ensure they collect the right ones.

Only buy from trusted sellers or suppliers when purchasing Burdock products.

The best way to avoid these potential risks is to consult with a doctor first. Even if the Burdock root’s availability and inexpensiveness are appealing compared to high-priced drugs, it is still essential to seek advice from healthcare professionals to protect your health.

What Is the Best Way To Implement Burdock Root Into My Life or Diet?

Exploring new things that can improve your health is an apt choice, as long as it’s under the advice of a professional. After ensuring you’re clear to add Burdock root to your lifestyle, here are some ways to add it to your routines:

In Your Food

Include powdered or dried Burdock root as an ingredient in your dishes while cooking. It won’t only provide tasty meals but also add to your food’s nutritional value. It has detoxifying abilities and a prebiotic fiber called inulin that improves digestion and supports the growth of good bacteria in the stomach.

In Your Medicine

Under the direction of a professional or healthcare practitioner, you can employ Burdock root for various illnesses. This includes body or joint pains, liver problems, and skin problems like psoriasis. 

If you’re wondering if taking Burdock root supplements can interfere with your current medication, no known research or report confirms it. However, it’s still best to practice caution and ask your doctor if you can take these supplements with your current meds.

In Your Life

If you’ve enjoyed the benefits of the Burdock roots in your life, you can share these findings with your family and friends. But, as mentioned above, remember that each individual has unique conditions, and what works for you may not work for them.


Because of the currently increasing cost of products and services, people are looking for ways to keep their health and discover how to improve their well-being by avoiding diseases.

The need to maintain good health puts the limelight on Burdock root as it doesn’t only enrich many dishes’ flavors but it’s also an excellent alternative to fight off ailments and keep the skin’s glow. 

You can also reap the benefits of Burdock root by implementing it into your diet. However, it’s still important to do so after consulting professionals.



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