Could You Use The ‘Squat Magic’ Without Laughing Your A** Off?

squat-magic-review-does-squat-magic-really-work Squat-Magic-review-5 does the squat magic work

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Squat Magic fitness gadget promo…

The most impressive thing is that everybody in this commercial keeps a straight face.

These fitness gadget ads always make me laugh, maybe because I’m a bit of an immature soul.

First came the Shake Weight (below), and now this.

squat magic shake weight

In case you missed it, this is the famous ‘Shake Weight’, the precursor to the Squat Magic.

From the Squat Magic video:

“Squats are tough to do and can be so hard on your knees and joints”

My eyes rolled so hard at this.

Fitness gadget adverts always use the same techniques.

They ALWAYS try and convince you that hard work and persistence are a waste of time, and then they show you fit looking people with the body that you want, which of course leads you to assume that you will achieve this by using their product.

I guess that’s what many want to hear and these techniques are probably on page one of  ‘How to Market Fitness Gadgets’.

But Does The Squat Magic Actually Work?

Well, yes and no.

The idea in itself is OK. The motion or movement does give your legs a good workout and the ability to add extra resistance adds more value to this product, you can give your quads, hams, glutes a good burn in theory.

But according to some of the slightly less than pleased reviews I read from people who actually bought this product, they would advise you to stay away.

The product seems to be made from less than strong enough materials as many of the reviews suggest that if you squat too low with it the machine actually breaks!

Squat Magic review 3
“We used it for 1 squat and one of the bands snapped. We will be returning it. Should be zero star”
Squat Magic review 1
“The machine snapped in half! Made with small plastic parts inside and broke all apart”. Sending me right to the floor.

Alternatives to the Squat Magic

If you think something like the Squat Magic would be a good alternative to going to a gym and working out at home is your best option then please consider these alternatives before you go spending your hard-earned money on this product…

Resistance Bands

Resistance bands are amazing. Theyre cheap, versatile and very effective.

[amazon table=”23523″]

Squats with resistance bands are probably the safest and most effective alternative to buying something like the Squat Magic.


Resistance bands can be picked up for less than the price of a Squat Magic, they last longer, can fit in a suitcase not to mention the fact that you can do a multitude of different exercises with them rather than just squats.

You can workout the whole body with resistance bands.

Check out this video on how to do resistance band squats.


Seriously, there are a huge amount of exercises a kettlebell allows you to do and unlike the Squat Magic, you can work your upper body as well.

Another great thing about kettlebells is that they are so inexpensive and do not break.

Kettlebells are great for core stability and the amount of different exercises you can do with a kettlebell is vast.

I use kettlebells more for the more high intensity workouts with the goal of losing fat, workouts that give me the after-burn effect or their more scientific name, EPOC, Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.

For those who don’t know, this means you will be burning calories at a higher rate long after your workout has finished.

I highly recommend having at least one kettlebell in your home!



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