Top 5 Tips: How to Lose Weight for your Wedding Day
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You’ve got your Mr Right, found the perfect dress – now you just need that dream body to fit into it!
With so much pressure to look amazing on your special day, it is no wonder that the majority of brides are taking to diet and exercise in order to slim down for their weddings.
If you are planning on losing weight for your upcoming nuptials, here are a few tips to motivate you along on your journey to becoming a slimmer, healthier bride…
Top 5 Tips: How to Lose Weight for your Wedding Day
Keep your BMI in Check
Before you start losing weight through healthy diets and exercise, it is important that you check your BMI. BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and is a simple calculation which determines whether you are a healthy weight for your height. To find out your BMI, use an online BMI calculator. Once you know your BMI you can then use it to work out how many calories you need to lose weight. You should then be able to start a very low calorie diet and set yourself a weight target and stick to it.
Steady Weight Loss
The most successful of weight loss diet plans are those that promote a healthy, gradual weight loss – meaning that you won’t pile too much of the weight back on through little indulgences on honeymoon. Give yourself plenty of time before the wedding date to begin your weight loss, making sure that you keep your goal in mind so that you have enough time to reach it and stick to it.
Smaller Plate = Smaller Portions
Whatever diet plan you are following as you lose weight for your wedding, one good tip to help make the most out of every meal is through using a smaller plate. Pouring smaller portions onto a large plate only reminds you that you aren’t eating the ample sized portions that you were used to pre-diet. A small plate however will trick your eyes into thinking you are eating more than you actually are.
Don’t Panic
Any bride would struggle to not get overwhelmed in the run up to her big day but it is very important to not let yourself get too stressed. Becoming stressed or anxious can cause you to forget to eat or overeat in some instances, causing havoc with your metabolism. Try to not miss meals and don’t forget to treat yourself now and again – simply choose lower calorie options and enjoy in moderation.
Drink Plenty of Water
Dieticians are constantly recommending the weight loss benefits of water, and it is advised that we should all drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you often drink calorie laden fizzy drinks or fruit juices, you can swap these drinks for zero-calorie water, it is a small change that can make a big weight loss difference in the long run.
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