Search Results for: calisthenics

How Many Handstand Pushups Is Good? Common Questions Answered

How Many Handstand Pushups Is Good? Common Questions Answered

Have you just stumbled upon this exercise and wondered to yourself ‘how many handstand pushups is good?’ Out of the many exercises available, handstand pushups seem to intimidate people the most. After all, you are standing on your head, which is not the most comfortable of positions. Many people mistakenly believe only gymnasts can complete…

Will Lifting Weights Make Me Bulky? Debunking the Myth

Will Lifting Weights Make Me Bulky? Debunking the Myth

When it comes to fitness, weightlifting often poses the question: “Will lifting weights make me bulky?” The answer varies depending on individual goals, body types, and the specific weightlifting program one follows. With different approaches to weight training, you can achieve either a lean and toned physique or significant muscle mass gains. Understanding what defines…

Are Weighted Vests Bad for You? Debunking the Myths and Risks
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Are Weighted Vests Bad for You? Debunking the Myths and Risks

Weighted vests have gained popularity among fitness enthusiasts seeking to add an extra challenge to their workouts. These vests, which can range from as light as 5 pounds to over 80 pounds, are designed to increase resistance and make activities like walking, jogging, and strength training more demanding. But are weighted vests bad for you?…

Eating Well and Staying Active While Traveling

Eating Well and Staying Active While Traveling

Busy travellers often do not have time for choosing healthy foods in crowded airports. Before traveling, it is important for individuals to consider better food options to maintain health and weight. Learning about nutrition is a great plan to understand how to eat well while traveling extensively. Consuming most meals at home with fresh ingredients from…

Is Oatmeal Good for Bulking? A Quick Guide for Fitness Enthusiasts
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Is Oatmeal Good for Bulking? A Quick Guide for Fitness Enthusiasts

Are you trying to bulk up and gain muscle mass? If so, you may be wondering what foods you should be eating to support your goals. One food that often comes up in discussions of bulking diets is oatmeal. But is oatmeal good for bulking? In this article, we’ll explore the nutritional benefits of oatmeal…

Why Is No Pain No Gain An Exercise Myth? Let’s Debunk This!

Why Is No Pain No Gain An Exercise Myth? Let’s Debunk This!

Have you ever heard the old saying “no pain, no gain” and wondered if it’s true? This popular workout mantra has been used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts for decades, but is there any truth to it? Or, could it be just another exercise myth? Quick Summary It’s important to understand that discomfort during a…