Why Would Anyone Use Synthol? Taking a Closer Look at Synthol Use

synthol user valdir

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Synthol, a site enhancement oil, has long been a controversial topic in the world of bodybuilding. Some athletes turn to this substance, which is made up of 85% oil, 7.5% lidocaine, and 7.5% alcohol, to gain a competitive edge.

But why would anyone use synthol, and what are the potential risks associated with its use?

Quick Summary

While synthol can provide immediate enlargement effects for smaller muscle groups such as biceps, deltoids, and triceps, it is often a dangerous shortcut for those seeking to enhance their overall appearance.

It has been used by bodybuilders for decades to improve the look of their lagging muscles, particularly before competitions.

But critics argue that the results are far from natural, and the use of synthol can lead to serious health complications.

Key Takeaways

  • Synthol can provide immediate, temporary enlargement effects for small muscle groups.
  • The substance has been used historically by bodybuilders to enhance muscle appearance.
  • Potential health risks are associated with synthol use, making it a dangerous and controversial option in the bodybuilding community.

What is Synthol

So, you might be wondering what Synthol is all about. Let’s break it down for you. Synthol is an oil-based substance, commonly referred to as a site enhancement oil or posing oil. It is primarily used by bodybuilders to temporarily enlarge specific muscle groups.

The main components of Synthol are oil, alcohol, and lidocaine, mixed in the ratio of 85%, 7.5%, and 7.5%, respectively. Now, what makes it appealing to some bodybuilders is its ability to create an immediate change in muscle size. It’s not the same as anabolic steroids, as Synthol doesn’t actually contribute to muscle strength or development. It’s just a shortcut for visual enhancement.

When using Synthol, you inject the oil directly into the muscle group you want to enhance. Common target areas include the biceps, triceps, and deltoids. It’s important to note that this isn’t something that lasts forever; it’s merely a temporary solution, often used before competitions to improve the appearance of lagging muscles.

Just a heads up, though – using Synthol comes with its own set of risks and potential dangers. It’s crucial to weigh the pros and cons before jumping into the world of site enhancement oils. At the end of the day, it’s your body, and you should make the decision that aligns with your health and personal fitness goals.

Historical Usage

In the world of bodybuilding, there’s always been a desire for gaining an edge or taking a shortcut to achieve bigger muscles. One such method that’s been used by professional bodybuilders, especially in Latin American countries, is synthol injections.

You might wonder what synthol is and why anyone would use it. Synthol is a compound made up of oils and other substances that are injected directly into small muscle groups, such as biceps, deltoids, and triceps. The idea behind this is to provide an immediate enlargement effect that can help these bodybuilders in competitions. It’s essentially a temporary solution that can enhance the appearance of lagging muscles.

Now, you might think this sounds a bit too good to be true, and in a way, it is. While synthol has been used by professionals for years, it has also gained some notoriety due to the risks and potential dangers associated with its use. It’s important to understand that synthol injections should always be approached with caution. However, that hasn’t stopped some bodybuilders from taking the risk in their quest for larger muscles.

In some cases, synthol has been used as a “filler” to provide a more even appearance for certain muscles. This practice, though quite controversial, has become more common amongst bodybuilders wanting to achieve a near-perfect physique for competitions. It’s mainly used as a temporary fix rather than a long-term solution, but the risks shouldn’t be ignored.

So, when thinking about synthol and its historical usage in the bodybuilding world, remember that it’s been employed as a shortcut by some individuals. They aim to achieve bigger muscles for competitions and enhance the appearance of their physique, though synthol also comes with risks and dangers that should be carefully considered.

The Appeal of Synthol

So, you might wonder why anyone would choose to use synthol, even with the risks involved. One of the main reasons is that synthol provides a quick shortcut to achieving muscle growth. Bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts often crave a rapid increase in muscle mass to compete or simply to show off their physiques.

By injecting synthol into specific muscle groups, such as biceps, triceps, and deltoids, you can instantly create an illusion of greater size. It might seem like an easy way to enhance their appearance without putting in the extensive time and effort that traditional muscle-building methods require.

But excessive use of synthol can lead to deformed and unnatural-looking muscles.

Despite these obvious potential drawbacks, some people find the idea of cosmetic muscle enhancement too appealing to resist.

In a world where instant results and the perfect physique seem to be desired by many, synthol offers a way to stand out and feel more confident. But it’s essential to weigh up the risks and understand that real muscle growth requires hard work, dedication, and patience. After all, there’s no true shortcut to achieving a strong and healthy body.

How Exactly is Synthol Used?

When you’re looking for a shortcut to gain muscle mass and improve your physique, you might come across Synthol. Unlike anabolic steroids, which are synthetic versions of the male sex hormone testosterone, Synthol is an oil that is injected directly into the muscle tissue. It does not provide strength or endurance benefits like steroids do.

To use Synthol, you would typically inject it into small muscle groups like biceps, deltoids, and triceps. This method creates an immediate, albeit temporary, enlargement effect that can be helpful in a bodybuilding competition setting.

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It’s important to note that unlike anabolic steroids, Synthol won’t increase strength gains or the overall performance of your muscles.

Now, you might wonder why anyone would use Synthol if it does not offer similar performance benefits as anabolic steroids. The main reason is that it can give the appearance of larger muscles in a very short amount of time. Some bodybuilders use it to enhance the look of specific muscle groups that may be lagging behind others, particularly before a big competition.

But the use of Synthol can and often does result in unnatural-looking and warped muscles, as it’s often easy to detect when someone has used this method. In fact, Synthol injections can lead to bulgy, almost cartoonish appearances, which may be unappealing to some.

In conclusion, while Synthol is a quick fix for cosmetic muscle growth, it does not provide the strength and endurance benefits that anabolic steroids do. Additionally, the results achieved with Synthol can often appear unnatural and unattractive. Use with caution and always consider your long-term goals and consequences before resorting to injections for muscle growth.

What Are the Health Risks of Synthol?

Now, let’s have a chat about the potential health risks of using synthol. It may seem like a quick way to gain some impressive-looking muscles, but it’s not all sunshine and roses. There are quite a few dangers and side effects you should be aware of before pumping that stuff into your body.

  • First, we need to mention nerve damage. When you’re injecting synthol, there’s a chance you could accidentally hit a nerve. This can lead to pain, numbness, or even paralysis – not exactly what you were going for, right?
  • Next up is the risk of blockages. Synthol can cause blockages in your blood vessels, which might result in life-threatening conditions like a stroke, pulmonary artery complications, or even a heart attack. The idea of gaining muscle in exchange for risking a heart attack doesn’t sound like a great trade-off, does it?
  • Infections are another worry when using synthol. If not handled carefully, you could wind up with bacterial infections, abscesses, or even necrotizing conditions. A trip to the hospital for such issues isn’t the sort of workout session you had in mind.
  • Let’s talk about some other side effects. Long-term use of synthol can cause muscle fibrosis, which is essentially scarring of your muscle tissue. The stuff might also lead to the development of cysts, ulcers, and even cancer. Hormonal problems are another risk, though less commonly discussed.
  • Oh, and we can’t forget about the aesthetic consequences. Using synthol can result in an uneven or unnatural appearance, with lumpy, misshapen muscles that don’t quite look right. So, even if everything goes “well”, you might not end up with the physique you’re hoping for.

In conclusion, while synthol might offer a quick fix for bulking up your muscles, the potential health risks are too numerous to ignore. Make sure you’re aware of these dangers and think twice before going down that route. It’s much better to focus on proper nutrition, training, and patience when striving for muscle gains. Stick with the safe and sustainable methods – your body will thank you in the end!

Famous Synthol Users

You might be curious about who has used synthol to enhance their muscle appearance. While it’s challenging to know for sure who’s using it, as many users keep it a secret to maintain an illusion of natural muscle growth, there are some known cases among celebrities and social media stars.

Gregg Valentino is one example. He was once known for having the world’s largest biceps. However, it later became apparent that his massive biceps were a result of synthol injections rather than natural muscle development. Gregg’s arms grew to an astonishing 28 inches in circumference, but it came at a great cost, as he experienced severe health complications and his biceps eventually collapsed.

Viewer Discretion Advised – Gregg Valentino showing us how his arms look now after years of abusing his body.

Another example is Valdir Segato (below), a Brazilian social media star who gained fame for his cartoon-like physique. Valdir drastically changed his appearance through synthol injections, earning him the nickname “He-Man” due to his bulging, unnatural-looking muscles. Unfortunately, the excessive use of synthol not only affected his appearance but also caused various health issues.

There are also rumours about some professional bodybuilders, such as Victor Martinez, using synthol. However, it’s important to note that these claims are not verified and should be taken with a grain of salt. Some bodybuilders may use synthol to enhance lagging muscles before competitions, but it is tough to confirm who uses the substance without concrete evidence.

Remember, using synthol can lead to serious health risks and unnatural appearances. Therefore, always consider the consequences before taking shortcuts in your quest for larger muscles.

Synthol Abuse – A Real-Life Look

This stuff doesn’t even look convincing to the untrained eye.

This is Valdir Segato, a 48-year-old from Sao Paulo Brazil, Valdir has clearly gone overboard with the oil injections (Synthol use) and now he looks like this.

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Valdir Segato

But beneath it all, there has to be an underlying reason why somebody would take Synthol use this far.

Valdir goes on to talk about how he was teased and bullied as a young boy and called names.

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“In his youth, he was addicted to drugs and lost so much weight that people would call him ‘skinny dog’ and ‘little skull.” Metro

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Valdir taking synthol

“At the moment, I am alone, I don’t have anyone. I do get attention, but people seem to be scared to approach me, I think that’s the problem.”

It is Valdir’s goal to make a living from his physique, which means the Synthol use is likely to continue.

Valdir appears in this TLC Documentary:

Is Social Media to Blame?

In the world of internet culture, it’s all about showing off and getting attention. With social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, the desire to look good and stand out from the crowd has grown exponentially. You might have noticed that younger guys, in particular, are becoming more obsessed with body image and enhancing their muscles. This is where synthol comes into play.

The Need for Proper Training

When it comes to building muscle and achieving the desired physique, proper training is crucial. We know that with the right training programme and approach, you’ll not only get more sustainable results but also avoid the need for risky shortcuts like synthol injections.

But people today seem very impatient, and they want results yesterday! Which could be why some go down the dangerous path of synthol.

When working out at the gym, make sure to:

  • Prioritise good form: Proper technique not only prevents injuries but also ensures effective muscle engagement. Resist the temptation to lift heavy weights with poor form, as this can lead to setbacks and disappointment down the road.
  • Mix it up: Vary your workout routine to avoid hitting a plateau. This could mean incorporating different exercises, varying your rep and set schemes, or occasionally focusing on lighter weights with higher reps.
  • Be patient and consistent: I cannot stress this enough, muscle growth and strength gains take time. Stick to your training plan, make adjustments when necessary, and avoid getting discouraged by temporary setbacks.

While synthol may provide a temporary solution for muscle size, it takes away from the beauty and satisfaction of achieving your body goals through hard work and dedication.

Ultimately, proper training will lead to a more aesthetically pleasing, balanced, and functional physique.

Nutrition and Supplementation

When it comes to bodybuilding, proper nutrition and supplementation play a crucial role in achieving your goals. As you grow and develop your muscles, your diet and supplements need to provide the essential nutrients for muscle growth and repair. Taking the right supplements and following a suitable diet ensures you don’t miss out on crucial nutrients at the right times.

Your diet should primarily consist of high-quality proteins, which are the building blocks of your muscles. High-protein diets are popular among bodybuilders seeking to maximise muscle gains. It’s a good idea to include a variety of protein sources, such as lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, and plant-based options like beans, lentils, and tofu.

Calorie-laden shakes can be a convenient way to fuel your body and help you meet your daily calorie needs, especially when you’re on a demanding training schedule. These shakes generally contain a blend of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats to provide a balanced source of energy and nutrients to support muscle growth.

Supplements are another essential aspect of your nutrition plan. Some popular bodybuilding supplements include:

  • Creatine: known for improving strength, power, and muscle mass output. It helps provide energy for your muscles during intense workouts, leading to enhanced performance.
  • Whey Protein: a fast-absorbing protein ideal for post-workout consumption. It provides your body with essential amino acids, promoting muscle recovery and growth.
  • Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs): these amino acids are vital for muscle recovery, reducing muscle soreness, and improving endurance.

Remember, while these supplements can provide benefits, they should never be a substitute for a balanced diet. It’s always best to prioritise whole foods and use supplements to fill in any gaps.

When it comes to nutrition and supplementation, tailoring your approach to your specific goals is vital. Determining the right balance of macronutrients for your body type and training regime is essential. Paying attention to your body’s signals, adjusting your diet and supplements as needed, and consulting with professionals can help you make the best choices for your bodybuilding journey.

The Option of Surgery

When you’re considering ways to enhance your muscles, you might come across synthol injections. They’re used by some bodybuilders to fill uneven spots in their muscles and create a fuller appearance. However, it’s important to remember that synthol use can be potentially dangerous, and you should understand the risks involved before taking that route.

Surgery is an alternative that people might opt for to achieve a more desirable look. For instance, cosmetic surgery procedures like liposuction, implants, and fat grafting can provide long-lasting, more natural results. While surgery has its own risks and costs, it’s generally a safer option compared to synthol abuse.

Synthol injections come with various hazards, such as infection, nerve damage, and muscle tissue disintegration. Additionally, their effect is temporary, as the oil eventually gets absorbed by the body, leaving you right back where you started. On the other hand, surgical improvements are more permanent, and the results are usually more predictable.

Moreover, synthol injections are rarely done by trained medical professionals and are often administered by the users themselves. This dramatically increases the risk of complications, such as incorrect dosages or improper injection sites. With cosmetic surgery, you’d at least have the assurance that a qualified doctor will be performing the procedure.

Lastly, it’s essential to question the ethics of synthol use within bodybuilding circles. The practice may mask the hard work and effort required to develop real muscle, sending the wrong message to aspiring athletes.

In summary, surgery may be a better and safer option for muscle enhancement than synthol injections. It provides more lasting results and ensures that the procedure is done by a professional, minimizing the risks involved while staying true to the essence of bodybuilding.

The Dangers of Quick Fixes

In today’s fast-paced world, you might feel tempted to search for quick fixes, like using Synthol injections, to achieve your desired physique. However, such shortcuts come with their own risks and consequences. When you’re aiming for long-lasting results and overall health, taking shortcuts like these will only let you down and jeopardise your wellbeing.

One major downfall of Synthol injections is that they can cause life-long health complications. You’re not only risking your muscles becoming misshapen and disproportionate but may also face more severe issues such as myocardial infarctions (heart attacks) or even permanent physical deformities. It’s crucial to keep in mind that the road to fitness is a marathon, not a sprint.

As you prepare for a contest or a fitness milestone, incorporating effort and dedication will likely yield a more satisfying outcome than resorting to a quick fix. Proper diet, exercise, and consistency are the foundations of any successful fitness journey. Websites like evolutionary.org can offer valuable insights and advice on how to progress in your training without jeopardising your safety.

When pursuing your fitness goals, remember that shortcuts like Synthol injections can do more harm than good. Instead, remain focused, patient, and committed to putting in the necessary work. Ultimately, your health and self-esteem will thank you for making the smart choice.


So, in your quest for achieving health and fitness goals, you might have come across the concept of synthol injections. These are used by some individuals, typically bodybuilders, seeking a quick fix for bigger muscles. However, unlike anabolic steroids, synthol doesn’t add to your muscle strength. It’s more of a temporary solution for enhancing the appearance of muscles.

While the idea of instantly enlarged muscles might seem appealing, synthol comes with its fair share of risks and side effects. Injecting this oil into your muscles can lead to localised skin problems, nerve damage, oil-filled cysts, and even muscle damage or scarring. These factors make synthol a less-than-ideal choice for anyone serious about their fitness journey.

Remember, there’s no substitute for putting in the hard work, dedication, and commitment required to make a real difference in your body and muscle strength. Opting for shortcuts like synthol might seem tempting, but it’s essential to weigh up the risks and potential harm they can cause in the long run. Besides, wouldn’t you prefer achieving your goals knowing it’s thanks to your hard work and discipline?

In conclusion, synthol use in the world of health and fitness raises several red flags. Before taking any drastic measures like synthol injections, always consider safer and more sustainable alternatives that promote overall well-being and long-lasting results. As the saying goes, slow and steady wins the race, especially when it comes to your body and health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of using synthol?

Using synthol can provide an immediate enlargement of the muscles, making them look bigger and more defined.

This can be particularly appealing to bodybuilders and athletes who want to enhance their appearance for competitions or photoshoots.

But bear in mind that the results are temporary and can potentially lead to serious health risks.

Is synthol considered a performance enhancer?

While synthol may offer some visual benefits, it is not a performance enhancer. In fact, synthol injections don’t improve strength or endurance.

The intended purpose of synthol is purely cosmetic, providing a quick fix to those seeking a more muscular appearance.

How do synthol injections affect muscles?

When injected, synthol sits between muscle fibres and causes them to plump out, filling in natural gaps or dents in the muscles.

This produces a fuller, more even appearance. It’s important to note that these changes are only superficial and won’t result in any improvements in muscle function or performance.

Can synthol cause any harm or side effects?

Yes, synthol can lead to several potentially serious side effects. Some of these issues include nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, increased risk of stroke, cardiovascular diseases, and the formation of oil-filled granulomas and cysts.

In extreme cases, the affected body parts may even become gangrenous, leading to potential amputations.

Are the results of using synthol long-lasting?

No, the results of synthol injections are temporary. The plumping effect on muscles subsides over time as the body gradually absorbs and breaks down the oil.

If you’re looking for long-lasting results, you’ll need to focus on more traditional methods like proper nutrition and consistent exercise.

Do synthol users see any improvements in strength?

Despite the visual changes that synthol injections provide, they do not lead to any improvements in strength or muscle function.

The oil simply fills in gaps between muscle fibres, and its presence does not contribute to enhanced muscle performance.

Consequently, it’s essential to approach muscle-building through safe and effective methods like resistance training and balanced nutrition.

What is Synthol?

Synthol is a chemical enhancement oil which serious bodybuilders inject into their body parts to enhance the appearance of their muscles.

The idea is to use it to lift certain areas which may be a little less full or uneven so they look good for competition.

The risks of Synthol overuse are widely known, overdoing it could lead to the skin bursting and leaving the user open to infections that can lead to amputation.

A simple Google search of ‘synthol poisoning’ will return some harrowing images.


Avatar of Danny Loeb
Danny Loeb
Danny Loeb is a qualified Personal Trainer, Fitness Model and Writer. He enjoys blogging about health and fitness, messing around with Photoshop, and sharing his experiences with everyone.

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