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Runtastic Review – The end of Personal Training as we know it?


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The Runtastic Heart Rate Combo Monitor Review


This little thing keeps track of your heart rate during a workout. The heart rate monitor uses wireless technology to transfer your heart rate information to your Runtastic apps on your smartphone. It does this without you having to use any sort of extra adapter for your phone. This product will help make your workout stats more helpful to you. You will know what pace you’re working at and how much progress you are making with it.


The monitor is compatible with iPhone,  Android,  Windows Phone and even Blackberry. The monitor has a signal which helps share your workout information with  cardiovascular machines at the gym. Worth checking before you buy. 

The belt that comes with it is washable so you don’t have to worry if it gets sweaty during your workouts. It is also an adjustable band,  so it’s never too tight or too loose. 


What’s good about this product is that it’s really easy-to-use. All you have to do is strap the Runtastic Heart Rate Combo Monitor on your chest and you can get started on your workout. The monitor works like a trainer as it has multiple apps that will enhance your workout and pretty much tell you what to do and encourage you accordingly. 

The product basically does all of the work for you. It tacks every move you make so you can just focus on your workout. The monitor clips easily into place so you won’t have any trouble wearing it.


The product itself doesn’t consume a lot of energy. That is a good thing because you can complete your workouts without it dying on you. You can change the battery after you finish your workout. It’s easy to change the battery so if you have to replace, you can do it without a problem.

The installation is easy so you can get started right away. You download the apps to the monitor via your phone, and follow the instructions on the screen. It takes you through it step by step so you won’t have too much trouble with it. If you do find yourself stuck, there is an excellent troubleshooting guide that will walk you through the steps.


The limited features of the free versions of some of the Runtastic apps was quite annoying, the paid versions aren’t  expensive but not very competitive considering Runtastic is not the only product on the market that offers fitness-workout apps. There are lots of fitness – workout apps out there, hundreds maybe thousands.

All in all, I think that the Runtastic is a good product.

  • It helps you train because it keeps track of your progress.
  • It’s not hard to get started or use.
  • It’s compatible with most workout equipment.
  • The apps are great and work like a personal trainer for you.
  • The product is designed to help you regardless of your fitness level.

Can’t really say fairer than that!



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