Most Effective Ab Workouts
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The Most Effective Ab Workouts
Why should you want to know the most effective ab workouts? You might not realise it, but if you spend hour after hour sitting down while working, at home or when socialising, it could be doing lasting damage to your stomach muscles. The weaker your abs are, the more likely it is that even daily activities like doing the washing up could become more difficult and tire you out more, while the possibility of experiencing back pain cannot be ruled out.
This makes good ab workouts a must if you want to stay healthy and look good, but if you’ve never paid enough attention to your abs, where do you start? In most cases, the most effective ab workouts you can do right now are the ones in this article they can do wonders over several months. They needn’t take a long time either; a decent workout can be completed in less than 30 minutes.
The Most Effective Ab Workouts – Five steps to a fine six-pack
The Spiderman Plank Crunch
The ‘Spiderman plank crunch’ involves you being an an ordinary plank position – lying down on your front with your toes touching the mat and your arms pressed flat underneath your torso, raising one knee towards your elbow and moving it back and forth. Aim for 3 sets of 10 reps.
Cable Rotation
Cable rotation moves your arms and abs around and works in the full area. Do this 10 times on one side and 10 on the other during each daily ab workout.
Bicycle Crunch
The bicycle crunch – lying on your back with your arms behind your head, your legs should be facing upwards at a 90 degree angle. Bring each knee down slowly towards the elbow on each side one at a time, moving as if you’re riding a bike.
Cross Crunch
Next, the cross crunch will do more or less the same thing for your abs and the rest of your body. Keeping all four limbs pointing diagonally so your body resembles a cross, move the left arm and the right leg close together, then do the opposite. Do 10 reps.
Ball Rolls
Finally, use an aerobic ball. Kneel on your aerobic mat with your hands on the ball, with your back straight and abs ready to be worked out one more time. Roll the ball as far away as possible without letting go then bring it back. Do two sets of 10 reps.
These are 5 of the most effective ab workouts and are exercises will help you build your abdominal muscles, but in order for them to be well defined, you are going to want to reduce your core fat. As far as nutrition is concerned, you are going to want to make sure that you are eating a balanced diet and as always, if you are trying to lose weight, you are going to want to burn more calories that you are intaking.
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