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Tai Chi for Exercise- The Benefits of An Ancient Exercise


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Tai chi has become a popular form of exercise in Western culture. It is known as an ancient Chinese martial art, but it also has many health benefits as a form of exercise.

Tai chi is an excellent form of exercise for anyone regardless of age and fitness level. If you are looking for a way to get fit that is both relaxing and challenging at the same time, tai chi can be a great addition to your weekly workout routine.

Read on to learn more about if tai chi can be beneficial for you and how it can help improve your overall health and well-being.

Table of Contents

What Is Tai Chi and What Are Its Benefits?

Tai Chi is a form of exercise developed centuries ago in China. It typically consists of a series of dynamic body postures or ‘forms’, which are performed with slow and continuous movements while focusing on breath and relaxation.

The main focus of tai chi moves is to focus on harnessing and redirecting an opponent’s energy to gain control over them.

Below we have listed some of the many benefits of practising tai chi:

  • Tai Chi doesn’t require any special equipment or expensive outfits—all it takes is determination and concentration!
  • Breathing techniques used in tai chi help improve balance, coordination, agility, flexibility, concentration, muscle tone, strength and posture.
  • Using tai Chi for exercise is an excellent way to combine physical exercise with mental clarity.
  • Tai Chi helps reduce stress levels through meditation as it involves relaxation techniques such as counting breaths and clearing the mind.
  • Many people find that Tai Chi also has spiritual benefits that include increased peace of mind and emotional wellbeing.
  • Studies have found that regular Tai Chi practice can reduce the risk factors associated with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and cancer.
  • Finally, Tai Chi for Exercise comes with low risk for injury due to its slow gentle movements compared to other more athletic sports and activities.

Whether you’re looking to increase your overall health or improve a specific area like your stamina or flexibility – Tai Chi could be a great addition to your exercise regimen.

Is Tai Chi Only for Old People?


Contrary to popular belief, tai chi is not just for the elderly. In fact, tai chi has been found to be beneficial for people of all ages and abilities.

Unlike other forms of exercise which focus on pushing the body to its limits, tai chi uses slow and intentional movements that help strengthen and stretch muscles and joints without over-stressing them.

This makes tai chi a great choice for people recovering from injury or illness. It can also be done indoors or outdoors, making it ideal for those living in areas with limited resources.

Furthermore, tai chi offers far more than just physical benefits; through its gentle movements and mindfulness exercises, tai chi can help cultivate a sense of peace and balance within oneself while increasing resilience towards stress.

As such, tai chi is an accessible form of exercise suitable for anyone interested in cultivating their own health and wellbeing.

How Long Should a Session of Tai Chi Last?

While participating in tai chi can be a great way to reduce stress and improve physical and mental well-being, the length of tai chi sessions varies depending on the type of tai chi you practice.

If you’re focused more on tai chi for relaxation, then it is recommended that you practice tai chi for 15 to 20 minutes each day. This time frame allows your body to slip into a more meditative state, allowing you to connect with your breath and remain relaxed throughout the practice.

However, if your tai chi practices are more focused on tai chi as an exercise form, then you may want to dedicate 45 minutes or more each session in order to reap all of the benefits tai chi has to offer.

There’s no right or wrong amount of time; simply commit yourself fully during tai chi sessions, regardless of how long they last.

With regular practice, your tai chi sessions will become easier and results should come increasingly quicker. Ultimately, tai chi’s true reward lies in whatever length of session allows you to feel most refreshed and balanced after each time practicing.

How Do I Get Started with Tai Chi?

For those looking to get started in tai chi, the key is to have an open mind and be prepared to push yourself outside your comfort zone.

To begin, find a tai chi class or group near you and observe the practice so you know what it will involve.

Once you’ve chosen your tai chi practice – whether it be for self-defense, health maintenance, exercise or all of the above – then set aside dedicated time for it each day and learn as much about tai chi as you can.

When learning tai chi for exercise, make sure that you are taking detailed instructions from experienced teachers, as your posture is essential in order to get the most out of tai chi.

As an exercise form, tai chi requires dedication and concentration while maintaining proper posture in order to achieve the desired results.

Finally, keep practicing – the more tai chi moves you do per session, the better your practice will become over time. With these guidelines in mind and a bit of patience, anyone can benefit from tai chi’s energy-transforming power.

How Often You Should Do Tai Chi for Best Results?


How often should you do tai chi for the best results? If you are a beginner looking into Tai Chi, it can oftentimes be difficult to know how often you should practice and how much time you should dedicate each session.

The answer will depend on how much free time you have available and how committed your goals are.

If your goal is to use Tai Chi as a form of relaxation or stress relief, then doing it one or two times a week could be enough.

Alternatively, if your goal is to deepen your knowledge in Tai Chi and benefit from its more intensive health benefits, then practicing three times a week would be ideal.

The important thing is to find an amount of training that works for your own personal circumstances.

Whenever possible, it’s good to try and aim for at least twenty minutes each session so that the benefits of each repetition can become part of a physical memory over time.

As with most things in life, practice makes perfect! Make sure to listen to your body and work at a pace that feels comfortable and keep up the enthusiasm – the results will come soon enough!

Good luck on your journey with Tai Chi; have patience and remember that consistent commitment reaps great rewards!

Additional Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Tai Chi Workout

Tai Chi can be an ideal form of exercise for practitioners of all ages. It’s low impact, enhances balance and flexibility, and can even reduce discomfort associated with certain medical conditions.

But to get the most out of your tai chi practice, follow a few tips.

  • First, warm up before you start — simple joint rotations and stretches are enough to get your body warm and loose.
  • Make sure you take breaks during your tai chi session, allowing yourself rest periods to prevent fatigue or other symptoms of over-exertion.
  • As you move through each tai chi posture, focus on your accuracy instead of speed, remembering that proper form is the key to achieving tai chi’s many health benefits.
  • If tai chi is new to you, it might be helpful to try guided practice sessions first. This will also help provide some structure as you learn about tai chi for exercise at your own pace.
  • Finally, think about what kind of tai chi goal you’d like to work towards – this will give some motivation and direction as you explore the various tai chi postures and improve the way they flow together in sequence.


Tai chi is an excellent workout for people of all ages and fitness levels. It’s a low-impact form of exercise that can help improve balance, flexibility, and strength.

If you’re interested in trying tai chi, there are many different types to choose from. The best way to get started is to find a class or instructor near you who can teach you the basics.

Tai chi should be done at least three times per week for optimal results. Remember to warm up before your workout, avoid eating too close to your session, and focus on your breathing during the exercises.

With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to reaping the many benefits of tai chi! Are you ready to give it a try?


Avatar of Bianca James
Bianca James
I’m a mother, yoga instructor, runner, and blogger. Originally from South Africa, I’ve been a yoga instructor for over ten years.

I share my time between raising a very boisterous toddler (the love of my life) and teaching small yoga classes, but more importantly, loving every second of it!

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The information provided in this article is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new diet, exercise program, or making changes to your health routine.

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