The Secret of Lower Back Dimples: Can You Get Them?

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Lower back dimples, also known as Venus dimples, are small indentations on the lower back just above the buttocks.
A visible cleft in the sacroiliac joint causes these dimples, and they are often associated with an appealing and athletic appearance.
Many people are curious about how to get these dimples and whether they are a normal feature or an indication of a lean physique.
Quick Summary
While lower back dimples are considered a genetic trait, some individuals might achieve them through a combination of a healthy diet, cardiovascular conditioning, and targeted lower back exercises.
By focusing on reducing your overall body fat percentage and incorporating muscle-building exercises, you may enhance the appearance of these dimples.
Remember that the results may vary based on factors like age, genetics, and lifestyle habits.

Key Takeaways
- Lower back dimples result from visible sacroiliac joints and are often seen as aesthetically pleasing.
- Achieving these dimples may be possible through a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and a low body fat percentage.
- Results can differ among individuals due to factors like genetics and lifestyle habits.
Table of Contents
What Do Dimples on Your Lower Back Mean?
Anatomy and Function
Dimples on your lower back are indentations that can appear due to the underlying bone structure and your muscles.

They are located near the spine, specifically the sacroiliac joint. This joint connects your sacrum, which is the triangular bone at the base of your spine, with your ilium, which is part of your hip bone.
These indentations can be seen as two small depressions on each side of your spine in the lower back area.
Dimples of Venus
Dimples of Venus are considered a symbol of beauty. These dimples are named after the Roman goddess Venus, who represented love and beauty.

They are more commonly found in women, but can also be present in men. There is no specific function for these dimples; however, they can indicate a fit and healthy body since they are more pronounced when there is less body fat covering the area.
Sacral Dimples
Sacral dimples are another type of indentation found on the lower back, but they are located just above the crease between your buttocks.
Unlike the Dimples of Venus, sacral dimples are a congenital condition, meaning you are born with them. They are caused by a minor abnormality during the development of the spine while in the womb. Sacral dimples are completely harmless for most people, but in some rare cases, they can be associated with underlying spinal problems. If you have concerns about a sacral dimple, it’s a good idea to consult your doctor for further evaluation.
Is It Normal to Have Dimples on Your Lower Back?
Yes, having dimples on your lower back is quite normal and fairly common. These indentations, also known as back dimples or dimples of Venus, are located on either side of the base of your spine, above the joint where your pelvis connects to your spine.
They are considered genetic traits, meaning they are inherited and not developed through any particular action or behaviour.
Many people find them aesthetically pleasing, but it is essential to note that they don’t have any significant impact on your health or overall physical well-being. In most cases, lower back dimples are harmless and have no effect on movement or daily activities.
Can Exercises Give You Lower Back Dimples?
Lower back dimples are genetically determined and are often more visible in lean individuals.
While there’s no guarantee that exercises can create back dimples if you don’t have them, working on your lower back muscles and reducing overall body fat may make them more noticeable if you already possess them.
One way to improve your lower back muscles is by incorporating deadlifts into your workout routine. This exercise targets the muscles in your lower back, helping to tone and contour the area around your back dimples. Begin by using lighter weights and focus on proper form to avoid injuries.
Another exercise to consider is supermans. This exercise mimics the motion of flying and targets your lower back muscles.
To perform this exercise, lie on your stomach, extend your arms in front of you or keep them by your side, and simultaneously lift your arms, chest, and legs off the ground.
Hold the position for a few seconds and then slowly lower back down. Repeat this exercise for several reps to help strengthen and tone your lower back.
I have added 3 more exercises further down in this article to give you some added inspiration.
In addition to these specific exercises, maintaining a consistent workout regimen that incorporates cardiovascular exercise and overall strength training will aid in reducing body fat.
As you lose weight, your back dimples may become more visible if they are already present in your genetic makeup.
Remember that a balanced diet and regular exercise routine are essential components in achieving and maintaining a lean physique.
Lower Back Dimple Piercings
Lower back dimple piercings are a unique way to enhance the appearance of your lower back, just above the natural indentations known as the “dimples of Venus.”
WARNING – Not for squeamish
These piercings are a type of dermal piercing and should, of course, always be performed by a professional piercer to ensure safety and proper placement.

During the piercing process, the professional will use a needle to create a small hole in the skin above each indentation.
A dermal anchor is then inserted into the hole, providing a base for the jewellery to be attached.
This process typically involves some discomfort, but the pain should be manageable and brief.
Taking care of your new back dimple piercings is crucial for proper healing. Keep the area clean by washing it gently with a saline solution twice a day. Avoid touching the piercings without clean hands and be cautious about the clothing you wear, as tight or abrasive fabrics may irritate the area.
It’s essential to be aware of the possible side effects and risks associated with back dimple piercings.
Some of the common side effects include infection, swelling, and redness. To minimize these risks, always follow the aftercare instructions provided by your piercer and monitor the area for any signs of potential issues.
It is also important to note that the healing time for dermal piercings, including back dimple piercings, can vary depending on factors such as your body’s response to the piercing and how well you follow your aftercare instructions.
Typically, the healing process can take anywhere from a few months to over a year.
Extra: 3 More Exercises to Target the Lower Back
Note: You will need a resistance band to do some of these exercises.
1. Resistance Band Squats
Normal back squats in a gym require you to set the weights on your shoulders and then squat down to the ground and back up. But these can much easier be achieved with a resistance band. Lower back dimples form as you work through the reps. The squatting position is what develops the dimples.
Follow this simple video below, and don’t forget your resistance band.
2. Opposite Arm and Leg Raises/Bird Dog
Get down on all fours. As you extend your left arm you raise your right leg and vice versa.
When you perform a rep you focus your movement on your lower back area which will help to develop the lower back dimples.
3. Hip Bridges/Pelvic Tilt
Last but by no means least, the hip bridge requires you to lie on your back with your legs bent. Put your hands at your sides and slowly lift your pelvis up while your arms stabilize you. Raise your hips in the air, and hold them there for about 5 seconds.
Frequently Asked Questions
What exercises can help create lower back dimples?
Some exercises that can help create lower back dimples include deadlifts, supermans, and alternating leg lifts.
These exercises target the muscles around the lower back and can help to strengthen and tone the area, potentially making dimples more visible. Incorporate them into your regular workout routine for the best results.
Can weight loss contribute to more visible back dimples?
Yes, weight loss can contribute to more visible back dimples. Lower back dimples can become more prominent when body fat percentage is reduced.
For women, aim for 14%-20% body fat, and for men, 6%-13% body fat.
Maintaining a healthy diet and engaging in regular high-intensity cardio exercises can help achieve and maintain optimal body fat levels.
Are there specific stretches to enhance back dimples?
While there are no specific stretches proven to enhance back dimples, stretching and maintaining flexibility in the lower back region can help improve overall muscle tone and posture.
Some useful stretches include cat-cow, child’s pose, and seated forward bend.
Practising these stretches regularly may benefit your lower back and improve the appearance of dimples.
Do genetics play a role in having lower back dimples?
Genetics can play a role in having lower back dimples. Some people are born with dimples, while others are not.
Although you cannot alter your genetics, you can still work on developing and strengthening your lower back muscles to potentially enhance the appearance of any dimples you may have.
Can massage techniques enhance back dimples?
While there is no scientific evidence to support the claim that massage techniques can enhance back dimples, massages can help release muscle tension and improve circulation in the lower back area.
This might contribute to a healthier, more toned appearance. However, it is essential to remember that massage alone will likely not create or significantly enhance back dimples.
Is it possible to target lower back muscles for creating dimples?
While it is possible to target and strengthen the lower back muscles through exercises like deadlifts, supermans, and alternating leg lifts, these exercises may not necessarily create back dimples.
As mentioned earlier, genetics play a role in having dimples, so if you do not have them naturally, exercises alone may not create them.
Focusing on strengthening your lower back can still provide health benefits and improve the overall appearance of the area.
- Danny Loeb is a qualified Personal Trainer, Fitness Model and Writer. He enjoys blogging about health and fitness, messing around with Photoshop, and sharing his experiences with everyone.
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